Thursday, December 4, 2008

So I never claimed to be GOOD at blogging.
I really only do this because my little sister bugs me about it. ;oD

It is now December. Wow. Where does the time go? Oh, wait. I know--it goes to feeding a baby. If you figure all the hours spent nursing a newborn, the feeding itself adds up to a full time job! And that's not counting the changing of diapers and clothes and laundry and baths and bouncing and playing...

It's truly the greatest job in the world.
So here's some pictures to get caught up:
These pumpkin pictures are from early October, so Josiah was around a month old.

Four pumpkins, two of which became moldy and had to be thrown out 48 hours after purchasing--$20
Getting a baby to lay peacefully on a pumpkin--around 3 hours and at least 2 changes of clothes.
Super cute harvest baby pictures -- PRICELESS.
I am going to make seperate bloggy entries for different subjects, almost as if I actually did this over time as things happened instead of playing catch-up months later.